Tools for churches
Use these pre-designed displays and inserts to help promote Seek God For The City in your city or congregation. There is no charge for these tools.
Promo Kit
Get many of the “Tools for churches” in one download.
Download Promo Kit (23 MB ZIP)
- PowerPoint Slides (editable)
- Bulletin Inserts (editable)
- Tabletop Signs for $1, $2, or $3 suggested donations – English and Spanish (editable)
- Images of the cover – web and printable (small sizes)
Does not include:
- Poster (scroll down this page to get the poster)

- PowerPoint Slides
- Bulletin Inserts
- Poster
- Table-top Signs for Suggesting Donations
- Images of the Cover of Seek God for the City
PowerPoint Slides
- PowerPoint Slides (2.9 MB PPT)

Bulletin Inserts

A poster-size version of the cover that you can print locally in color.
- Poster 11 x 17″ (1.6 MB JPG)
(Many churches have produced excellent posters for only a few dollars by making an enlarged photocopy of the front cover using a local Kinko’s or other photocopy shop.)
Table-top Signs for Suggesting Donations
Signs designed to be folded in half like a tent, and stand up on a table. These documents are editable, so you can suggest any donation amount. One important note: People use what they value and they value what they pay for. By encouraging people to offer a donation of one to three dollars for a copy, you’ll find that they will participate more fully and your costs will usually be more than covered.
Color Signs
- Vertical Sign (812 KB DOC):
$1 sign, $2 sign, $3 sign - Horizontal Sign (812 KB DOC):
$1 sign, $2 sign, $3 sign
Black and White Signs
- Vertical Sign (780 KB DOC):
$1 Sign, $2 Sign, $3 Sign - Horizontal Sign (780 KB DOC):
$1 Sign, $2 Sign, $3 Sign
Color Signs
- Spanish Vertical Sign (791 KB DOC):
$1 Sign, $2 Sign, $3 Sign - Spanish Horizontal Sign (791 KB DOC):
$1 Sign, $2 Sign, $3 Sign
Black and White Signs
- Spanish Vertical Sign (780 KB DOC)
$1 Sign, $2 Sign, $3 Sign - Spanish Horizontal Sign (780 KB DOC)
$1 Sign, $2 Sign, $3 Sign
Images of the cover of Seek God for the City
Graphics ready to be printed in newsletters, church bulletins and flyers; posted on websites; e-mailed, etc.

Print: for use in newsletters, bulletins, etc. (300 dpi)
- Small Image – 2 x 3″ (283 KB JPG)
- Medium Image – 3 x 5″ (553 KB JPG)
- Large Image – 5 x 8″ (1.5 MB JPG)
Screen: for use on websites (72 dpi)
- Small web image – 113 x 177 px (7 KB JPG)
- Medium web image – 200 x 312 px (19 KB JPG)
- Large web image – 382 x 596 px (103 KB JPG)

Print: for use in newsletters, bulletins, etc. (300 dpi)
- Spanish Small Image – 2 x 3″ (294 KB JPG)
- Spanish Medium Image – 3 x 5″ (571 KB JPG)
- Spanish Large Image – 5 x 8″ (1.4 MB JPG)
Screen: for use on websites (72 dpi)
- Spanish Small web image – 113 x 177 px (13 KB JPG)
- Spanish Medium web image – 200 x 312 px (21 KB JPG)
- Spanish Large web image – 382 x 596 px (107 KB JPG)