Hope different: Stepping into a greater story
When people follow Christ, whether they know it or not, they step into a huge, unfolding story that is much greater than themselves. The story is ancient, encompassing every time and generation. The story is global, fulfilling the purpose of every people and culture.
If you’ve ever wondered why it’s so boring to live for your own concerns, it’s because God created you to hope–to yearn from the core of your soul to be part of something, and to be honored by someone, that is truly glorious.
Hope is walking with God with open eyes in the rush and tumble of a great story that is pressing toward a crescendo all over the planet. God is determined to show love and be loved in every people and place. When our vision is focused on the glory of His love being fulfilled, there is deep, increasing joy as we find God-given ways to co-work with Him.
Hope is something you do.
God has made our hearts to yearn and pursue something as great as His glory, not merely what seems good for ourselves. View a three-minute video by Steve Hawthorne about how to hope different. Read more »
Life on Purpose
No one really aspires to a mapped-out, prefab life that only attains the expectations of others. Instead of using pre-planned maps to guide our lives, Christ gives us a compass that empowers us to follow Him in pursuing His global purpose with many others. Read more »
The Story of His Glory

Be forewarned! This article by Steve Hawthorne has been known to be passion-forming. You’ll find a sturdy biblical paradigm of what God is working toward throughout every part of history, all over the earth. Your life is probably more significant than you may have realized. For many, this vision of Christ’s greater glory has united their lives around the love of God, instilling hope and passion in every area of life. Read more »
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement

The Perspectives course brings fresh knowledge and understanding of God’s unchanging purposes and why they are relevant to your life. Discover how to align your life with what God has been fulfilling throughout history to bring glory to His Son and life-giving change among all peoples. Read more »